Data Protection Policy

This privacy notice sets out how Language for the Brain uses and protects any information that you provide in advance of and while receiving lessons.

Language for the Brain stores the following information:

  • First name and surname for tutees aged 18 and over
  • First name and surname of parent or guardian of tutees aged under 18
  • Contact information including telephone number and e-mail address
  • Address where lessons are delivered (unless the tutee travels to me)

What Language for the Brain does with this information

Language for the Brain requires this information:

  • To contact you via e-mail or telephone to discuss lessons and arrangements with you.
  • To arrange online teaching sessions via a third-party online meeting provider (Zoom or Cisco Webex), which requires passing your e-mail address to the provider.

This information is kept during the period that Language for the Brain is providing language lessons to you. The information is deleted within one month of stopping lessons with Language for the Brain.

With your permission and after discussion during lessons, Language for the Brain may send you information about third party resources that we think you may find useful, such as textbooks or online language resources. Language for the Brain is independent: we have no commercial interest in any such resources.

Language for the Brain does not share the information with any other individuals or organisations, unless otherwise agreed with you.


Language for the Brain is committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure Language for the Brain has put in place suitable technology and procedures to safeguard and secure the information we receive from you.

Controlling your personal information

Language for the Brain will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law.

You may at any time request details of personal information that Language for the Brain holds about you, and ask for this information to be corrected or deleted. Language for the Brain will fulfil these requests within one month of receiving them.

For a one-to-one conversation about you, your learning journey and potential for support contact: